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Article: What kind of brush should I use for brow lamination?

What kind of brush should I use for brow lamination?

Choosing which brow styling tools to purchase can be overwhelming with so many products within the industry to choose from. So with that in mind, we thought we would help save you the time and energy searching for a brow lamination brush and instead introduce you to EyebrowQueens lamination brush! THE brush that every brow enthusiast needs to take your home laminated brows from ‘Okay’ to ‘Oh Hey!’

What tools do I need to laminate my brows at home?

Before we look at the brow lamination brush, we wanted to ensure you had all the other products that you need to successfully laminate your brows at home. To laminate your brows at home, you will need a home brow lamination kit like the one from EyebrowQueen (which includes the setting solution, lifting solution, and brow serum.) Additionally, you will need a spoolie brush, cotton swabs, and the all-important brow brush. We also recommended having a timer and a small dish to mix the solutions to help make things a little easier.

Why do I need a brow lamination brush? 

Lamination brush 

When laminating your brows, the aim is to essentially ‘perm’ them, setting the hairs into a better, more manageable position. By using a specially designed brow lamination brush, the hairs are separated by the long fine metal teeth allowing the lamination products to evenly coat the hairs whilst also ensuring that each brow hair is caught in the brush when brushing them up into position. So to achieve a more thorough separation of brow hairs during the lamination process, we recommend to use a fine toothed brow lamination brush instead of the generic spoolie brushes typically included in home lamination kits. Whilst a spoolie is useful, a brow brush can really catch even the most fine brow hairs.

The brow lamination brush also allows you to use the back of the plastic guard to press down unwilling hairs after a brush stroke. Check out Nilams video tutorial where she demonstrates how to use the brush properly. 

Once you have Laminated your brows it's really important to look after them. Lamination can dry out the hair and dehydrate the follicles so using a serum is essential to replenish lost moisture. And talking of essentials, EyebrowQueen Essentials kit has everything you need to style and maintain beautiful brows post Lamination including the ever popular fixing product; Brow Fix which is loved by many makeup artists. 

 Check out the Essentials kit here. 

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