Article: How to thicken your eyebrows
How to thicken your eyebrows
With thick, full eyebrows being the current trend, many of us are trying to emulate the look. For some, a full brow is easy to achieve, however, if you are not naturally blessed with thick brows, you may need a little extra help. That’s where we come in. We thought we’d show you how to pull off the illusion of thicker, fuller eyebrows, simply by using the right eyebrow products. Here’s how…
Achieving a fuller looking brow
Firstly, when considering shaping your brows, you need to bear in mind your face shape. One brow shape does not ‘fit all’, so take a look at our guide, ‘A guide to eyebrow shapes for different face types’ to determine what shape would be best for you.
Once you have established the correct shape, you can then consider the size of your brows and how full you want them to be. Be mindful not to make them too full as this will make them look unnatural and out of proportion for your face. Not a look we’d recommend!
Get a fuller brow by Tinting
A great way to add volume to your brows is tinting – a process which colours your brows semi-permanently. When brows are tinted, not only are the thicker brow hairs coloured, the fine, fluffy hairs that surround your brows are also coated by the tint. This makes them appear darker, adding to the overall shape and volume, which in turn creates the illusion of a thicker brow.
Whether you decide to use a tint at home, or to have the treatment carried out in a salon, make sure you carry out a patch test beforehand, to avoid any nasty allergic reactions!
Achieve a fuller brow by using a brow gel with added fibres!

Brow gels with added fibres are great at creating fuller, thicker brows. The coloured gel, which is enriched with micro fibres, coats the hairs, which allows you to build volume and thickness instantly.
Not only does EyebrowQueens ‘Brow Colour Boost’ add thickness and colour, it holds the brows firmly in place, whilst also being smudge-proof. Buildable brow gels are great for people who cannot use tints, for those who need a little colour ‘top-up’ between tints and for those who get those pesky grey hairs, that often refuse tint altogether.
Pencil in fine hair strokes to add fullness
As well as tints and gels, a good brow pencil can add fullness to your existing brows.
By adding individual hair strokes, you can gradually ‘build’ fullness and add volume to your brows, creating the illusion of more hairs.

EyebrowQueens ‘Brow Pro’ is perfect for creating fine hair strokes as the innovative self-sharpening pencil allows you to draw the most precise hair strokes, making the eyebrows look both full and natural! Watch Nilam’s tutorial on ‘How to use the Brow Pro eyebrow pencil’ here.

PRP Eyebrow Restoration
PRP Eyebrow Restoration is a process that uses the power of your own body’s blood platelets to encourage hair growth.
PRP stands for ‘Platelet-rich Plasma’. The procedure involves taking a small amount of blood, which is then sent through a process in which the platelets are separated from the blood.

These platelets are then added to a serum that is injected into the eyebrow area using a micro-needling device. Over the course of 3-4 months following the procedure, the platelets get to work, encouraging the hair follicles to grow, resulting in thicker, fuller brows. One thing to consider is that the success rate is highly dependent on a person’s levels of blood platelets. A lower level of blood platelets may mean that PRP isn’t as effective for you.
So, whether you decide to go for a brow tint, a buildable brow gel, or instead go for something a little more permanent, there are many ways in which you can achieve fuller, thicker brows that are bang on trend!
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